Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Ramblings of an insomniac

This is not the normal hour that most dance teachers/studio owners are awake.  If you're thinking about sending your studio owner a text or facebook message at this hour asking about what color tights your precious should wear for class tonight, please don't.  We're normally just getting into a deep REM sleep about now.  The only time I would normally see daylight at this hour is if I was attempting to pull an all-nighter trying to get things done, or up early for a dance competition.

I've been trying for 3 days to get my next entry written & can't get past the title, so here I am.  Decided just to blow this one off, regroup & try again for next time.

But since it's hump-day, I'll post a little personal accomplishment.  We registered a bunch of new kids this week!  (A bunch, relative to  And so far, we've registered over 70% of our summer kids, which is huge.  We've had years that we didn't get a single summer kid back for the fall, which is discouraging for a new season.  But everyone seemed to enjoy classes this summer.  It was so cute to see them overcome their first day jitters and the smiles on their faces at their last class last night was priceless. :-)  And there's still time to get up to 100% retention.  Not positive it will happen, but it's promising. :)

I started something last Wednesday that I'll continue today:  publicly giving a shout-out to each dancer that has registered.  I debated over doing this for many reasons, but I think it may have helped.  I'm especially hoping it will help get last year's kids back ... and sooner than later.

Oh my gosh .... my mind is going a million different directions this morning.  I've already abandoned this post once & did a bunch of photoshop work on the flyer that's going out soon.  Just waiting to confirm dates before I have this finalized.  But I'll wrap this up now before I get side-tracked again!

You know, when we actually do

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